How to fare save & Cancel the ticket itinerary Galileo

Galileo Command

 How to fare save & Cancel the ticket itinerary Galileo


H/FQ                                                                       Help page

FQ                                           Fare quote as booked

FQ/P1                                     Fare quote for specified passenger

FQ/S1-3.6                               Fare quote for segment 1 to 3 and 6                       

FQCSV                                   Fare quote as booked ,carrier SV

FQCGF@MOWSA                Fare quote by specified fare basis

FQBB                                     Fare quote best buy

FQBB/S1.3/CBD                    Fare quote best buy ,segment 1&3 Carrier BD

FQBA                                      Fare quote best buy irrespective of availability

FQBB++-PREMF                   Fare quote best buy Premium first class

FQBB++-FIRST                      Fare quote best buy first class

FQBB++-BUSNS                    Fare quote best buy business class

FQBB++-AB                            Fare quote best buy as cabins actual booked

FQA                                          Fare quote alternative



FXALL                                      Cancel all filed fare (unticketed)

FX1                                            Cancel filed fare number 1

FX1P2                                        Cancel filed fare 1 passenger 2

FF1@R                                       Restore fare 1(ticketed only)

FF1P3@R                                   Restore fare 1 passenger 3

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The instructions you provided appear to be related to fare cancellation and restoration in a travel or airline context. Here is an explanation of the codes you mentioned:

1. FXALL: This code is used to cancel all filed fares that have not been ticketed yet. It cancels all the fares associated with the booking.

2. FX1: This code is used to cancel a specific filed fare number 1. It cancels the fare associated with that particular number.

3. FX1P2: This code is used to cancel a specific filed fare number 1 for passenger 2. It cancels the fare associated with that particular passenger and fare number.

4. FF1@R: This code is used to restore a specific fare number 1 that has been ticketed. It restores the fare that was previously canceled.

5. FF1P3@R: This code is used to restore a specific fare number 1 for passenger 3 that has been ticketed. It restores the fare for that particular passenger and fare number that was previously canceled.

It's important to note that these codes may be specific to a certain system or platform used by travel agencies or airlines. If you need to perform fare cancellation or restoration, it is recommended to consult the appropriate system or contact the relevant travel provider for accurate instructions and assistance.


Here are some frequently asked questions related to fare cancellation and restoration:

1. What is fare cancellation?

Fare cancellation refers to the process of canceling a booked or filed fare before it has been ticketed. This typically involves removing the fare from the reservation system and making it available for rebooking or refund.

2. When should I cancel a fare?

You may need to cancel a fare if your travel plans change, you no longer require the booking, or if you want to rebook with a different fare or route. It's advisable to cancel fares as soon as possible to avoid any penalties or fees.

3. How do I cancel a fare?

The procedure to cancel a fare can vary depending on the booking system or platform you are using. Typically, you can contact your travel agency, airline, or access the online portal to initiate the cancellation process. Provide the necessary details, such as the booking reference or fare number, and follow the instructions provided.

4. Can I cancel all filed fares at once?

Yes, some systems offer the option to cancel all filed fares in a booking simultaneously. This is typically done using a specific command or code, such as "FXALL." However, it's essential to double-check the cancellation details and any associated penalties or conditions before proceeding.

5. What is fare restoration?

Fare restoration is the process of reactivating a previously canceled fare. This is often applicable to fares that were canceled before ticketing but are now required again for the booking.

6. How do I restore a canceled fare?

To restore a canceled fare, you will typically need to contact your travel agency or airline. Provide them with the necessary information, such as the fare number or booking details, and request the restoration. In some cases, specific codes like "FF1@R" may be used to initiate the restoration process.

7. Can I restore a fare after it has been ticketed?

The ability to restore a fare after it has been ticketed may depend on the fare rules and policies set by the airline or travel provider. It's advisable to review the terms and conditions of your ticket or contact the relevant party for assistance in restoring a ticketed fare.

Remember, the specific procedures and codes for fare cancellation and restoration can vary across different systems, platforms, and travel providers. It's recommended to refer to the appropriate documentation or consult the relevant parties for accurate instructions and guidance based on your specific situation.

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