How To Feeding Passport Details for Adult / Child & Infant Pax In Galileo (Galileo Command)

 Galileo Command's

How To Feeding Passport Details for Adult / Child & Infant PAX

Passport Feeding for Adult / Child & Infant PAX






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To feed passport details for adult, child, and infant passengers in the Galileo GDS system, you can use the SSR (Special Service Request) command with the SSRDOC (Document Information) sub-command. Here is an example of how to input passport details for different passengers:

1. Passport Feeding for Adult Passenger:

To feed passport details for an adult passenger, use the SI (Service Information) line with the SSRDOC sub-command. Replace the placeholders with the actual passport details:

In the above example, "P1" represents the passenger number, "PK" indicates the document type (passport), "AB1234567" is the passport number, "11MAY86" is the passport expiration date, "M" denotes the gender (Male), and "KUMAR/SUNIL" is the passenger's last name/first name.

2. Passport Feeding for Child Passenger:

For a child passenger, you can follow a similar format but adjust the passenger number and provide the child's information:

In the example above, "P2" represents the passenger number for the child, "XY1234567" is the passport number, "01JAN91" is the passport expiration date, "F" indicates the gender (Female), and "KUMARI/RIDHIMA" is the child's last name/first name.

3. Passport Feeding for Infant Passenger:

For an infant passenger, the process is similar, but with appropriate passenger number and details:

In the above example, "P3" represents the passenger number for the infant, "OK1234567" is the passport number, "06FEB12" is the passport expiration date, "M" denotes the gender (Male), and "SINGH/ARVID" is the infant's last name/first name.

You can repeat this process for additional passengers, adjusting the passenger number and providing the correct passport details accordingly.

Please ensure that you enter the information accurately and refer to the Galileo user manual or contact your GDS provider for any specific guidelines or updates related to feeding passport details in Galileo GDS.


Q: What is passport feeding in Galileo GDS?

A: Passport feeding in Galileo GDS refers to the process of entering passport details for passengers in the system. It involves providing the necessary passport information, such as passport number, expiration date, gender, and passenger name, to ensure accurate documentation and compliance with travel requirements.

Q: Why is passport feeding important in Galileo GDS?

A: Passport feeding is crucial in Galileo GDS as it allows travel agents and airlines to have the necessary passenger passport information for booking and ticketing purposes. It ensures compliance with international travel regulations and facilitates smooth check-in and immigration processes.

Q: How can I feed passport details for passengers in Galileo GDS?

A: To feed passport details in Galileo GDS, you can use the SSR (Special Service Request) command with the SSRDOC (Document Information) sub-command. The command includes relevant passenger information such as passport number, expiration date, gender, and passenger name. The format typically follows the SI.PX/SSRDOCSEKHK1/P/... structure, where "PX" represents the passenger number.

Q: What are the common elements included in passport feeding for passengers?

A: When feeding passport details for passengers, the common elements to include are the passenger number, document type (usually "PK" for passport), passport number, passport expiration date, gender, and passenger name (last name/first name).

Q: Is there a specific format or syntax to follow when feeding passport details in Galileo GDS?

A: Yes, there is a specific format to follow when feeding passport details in Galileo GDS. The exact syntax and structure may vary slightly depending on the GDS system version, but generally, it involves using the SI.PX/SSRDOCSEKHK1/P/... format and entering the passport information accordingly.

It is important to note that the above information is provided as a general guideline, and the specific command format or codes may vary based on the GDS version or configuration. It is always recommended to consult the Galileo user manual or contact your GDS provider for any specific instructions or updates related to feeding passport details in Galileo GDS.

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