How To Check Economy and Business Class Fare in Galileo (Galileo Command)

Galileo Command's

How To Check Economy and Business Class Fare

How to Take Availability in Galileo


Increase Number of Days

Decrease Number of Days


 How to Sell a Seat After Availability

N1Y1 or N2Y1 or 01Y1 or 02Y2 or 05Y1Y2 or 05Y1

How to Change the Classes of Itinerary


Adult Fare Quote


Best Buy


Best Buy Irrespective of Availability


Best Buy Irrespective of Availability for Business Class


For Example: Please watch the Video.

Regardless of availability, you can use the Galileo GDS command below to look for the best buy fare quote for business class:


In this command:

- "FQBB" is the command used to request a fare quote for rebooking.
- "++" means that regardless of availability, you want to look for the cheapest flight.
- "-BUSNS" makes it clear that you are only considering business class airfares.
By prioritizing the best buy alternatives, even if they are not currently open for booking, this command will give you the Business Class fare quote.

Please be aware that depending on the GDS version or configuration, the actual command format and codes may change. It is advised to refer to the Galileo user guide or contact your GDS supplier for any updated information on how to get the best Business Class fare quote.


Q: What is the purpose of the "FQBB" command?

A: The "FQBB" command is used to obtain a fare quote for rebooking purposes. It allows you to check the fares and pricing associated with a particular itinerary or passenger record.

Q: What does "++" signify in the command?

A: In the context of the command "FQBB++", "++" indicates that you want to search for the best buy fare. This means that you are looking for the most cost-effective or best-priced fare option available, regardless of the availability of seats.

Q: What does "-BUSNS" indicate in the command?

A: The "-BUSNS" parameter specifies that you are specifically interested in Business Class fares. By including this parameter, the fare quote obtained will focus on Business Class fares rather than other travel classes.

These command components together ("FQBB++-BUSNS") allow you to obtain the best buy fare quote for Business Class, regardless of availability. It helps you identify the most favorable pricing options for Business Class travel.

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